Monday, November 8, 2010

Want to help out???

Calling all you "couponers" out there... we have some very dear friends from Sierra Leone, Africa who are here staying with my family. Their names are Jeremiah and Mary Mansaray and they have an amazing life in Africa. They pastor some incredible churches, have a school and they are starting a medical clinic. While they are here in the US, they are raising support to expand the school and build their medical clinic.
In February, we will be sending out a HUGE container with supplies... this container is so big it can hold a couple of vehicles PLUS supplies. I'm posting all this because I know that my family has been MORE than blessed by all of the freebies and "sweet" deals I've been able to score with my coupons. I am loading up on stuff, and watching out for deals for things to send to Africa in February.
If you want to be a part of blessing tons of people on the other side of the world, then pull some stuff from your stockpiles, or grab up some extra stuff while you're out, and we'll send it on our container.
Below is a list of stuff that Jeremiah and Mary have as needs. God is doing great and awesome things with them and the people that they touch in Africa, and this is a way that you can help take some of the basic burdens off of their shoulders so they can be free to share Jesus' love.

*feminine products
*cleaning products: bleach, pine-sol, 409, Windex, Comet (bulk as well as non-name brand is fine)
*shampoo & conditioner
*canned goods like beans, corn, pork and beans
*clothes (washed, clean and in a box labeled with the contents, size and weight of the box)
*old electronics (anything that can be fixed so that it can be sold in Africa for cash to use in the school or clinic)
*washer and dryer
*bed mattresses
*sheets, towels, blankets
*toilet paper
*a Jeep or similar vehicle
If you have something and want to donate it, but aren't sure if they can use it, please feel free to contact me.

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