Friday, December 31, 2010

Where have I been?????

Sooo... I've been out of the loop for a little while. The holidays, home schooling and life in general has kept me so busy, that blogging has been the last thing on my mind. Couponing, however, has not. :) I'm still hunting the deals and "stockpiling" my closets and laundry room... my precious hubby installed new shelving for me in our laundry room, and now I have lots of storage space. Here's a pic.
Christmas was great! We are so blessed with our family, kids, friends and life in general. The Lord continues to show us how much He loves us with all of the blessings that He reveals to us...daily.

The New Year is upon us now. I'm so excited to see what is around the corner for us this year. We are praying for a distinct direction on moving, selling our home and what the Lord has for our family. 2011 is going to be a year like no other. Exciting! What are your expectations for this new year?? How were your holidays?? Have you found any great "deals"?

I'm going to be blogging again, yes, I promise. :) Keep your comments coming and your deal pictures.

What did you guys think about the TLC Extreme Couponing?? Did you see it? did it feel TOO familiar?? Comments?


  1. I thought that a couple of the couponers took it a little too far. I mean, how much t.p. does a couple need? Getting things for free is great, but if you have what you need why not donate like the man did who got all of that cereal? I felt that he was doing a good service for his own family and others. The nurse was my favorite of all the couponers. She not only bought what she needed, but she educated others on how to coupon effectively.

    Alot of us stockpile as a way to save money, but there is a difference between hoarding and stockpileing. I only hope TLC didn't cause someone who was thinking about couponing to decide against it after watching their "reality" show.

  2. I totally agree. I felt like it put "couponers" in a bad light... sorta like we are all a little on the crazy side. I coupon because it saves my family money and it allows me to have extra things that I can give to others. Our family tries to bless others as much as we can and with coupons, it's possible!!
    I wish that TLC would do a "Reality" show with couponers like the majority of us... people who clip coupons, stockpile- not hoard, and give to others. That would be great!
